[visad] Update to VisAD library

The VisAD library has been updated; you may pick up a new visad.jar
file (and source and docs) at:  ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/visad-2.0/

Here is a summary of the changes since the last update:

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddePointURL.java  revision 1.2  date:
2008/10/08 22:04:27   author: donm
 remove a printStackTrace

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeURLConnection.java  revision 1.65  date:
2008/10/08 22:04:08   author: donm
 add a debug in the right place

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeURL.java  revision 1.9  date: 2008/10/02
01:38:00   author: donm
 fix the getValue method

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeURL.java  revision 1.8  date: 2008/10/01
23:55:42   author: donm
 some work on AddeURL subclasses

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeDatasetURL.java  revision 1.4  date:
2008/10/01 23:55:41   author: donm
 some work on AddeURL subclasses

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/WxTextProduct.java  revision 1.2  date:
2008/09/20 12:02:33   author: donm
 jindent and javadoc

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeTextReader.java  revision 1.9  date:
2008/09/20 12:02:33   author: donm
 jindent and javadoc

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeTextReader.java  revision 1.8  date:
2008/09/19 14:22:26   author: donm
 add a newline after each line of text

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeTextReader.java  revision 1.7  date:
2008/09/19 14:08:42   author: donm
 new class to hold text products

edu/wisc/ssec/mcidas/adde/AddeURLConnection.java  revision 1.64  date:
2008/09/18 20:11:08   author: donm
 add a default day for the day request for wxtext even though the
 docs say it's supposed to default to the current day

visad/data/hrit/HRITForm.java  revision 1.3  date: 2008/09/03 13:27:47
  author: tomw
 Add a parameter for HRITAdapter.

visad/data/hrit/HRITAdapter.java  revision 1.2  date: 2008/09/02
20:51:08   author: tommyj
 Deal with magnification factor.  Still pretty rough though.

Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Space Science & Engineering Center (SSEC)
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
1225 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI  53706  USA
ph: +1 608 262 2759

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