.csv file

Hi Curtis,

You sent me a link to the VisAD TextAdapter documention that showed examples 
on how to load a CSV file. It says that the only possible representations are 
2-D arrays and 1,2, or 3-D points. In my .csv file, if I have 9 different 
input fields that can each be mapped to any visualization parameter, it seems 
as if I can only map at most 3 of these input fields at a time. Is this 

In that case, if I split up the 9 fields into 3 groups of 3, my data set would 
have to be broken down. However, in example #5 with the .bsv file, it looks 
like the range has 4 values. Is it possible to have a domain with 9 fields?

Maybe I'm not understanding the meaning of these mappings because in example 
#7, I don't see why longitude and latitude are in the domain when they are a 
visualization parameters for the output in VisAD.


>===== Original Message From Curtis Rueden <ctrueden@xxxxxxxx> ====
>Hi Michelle,
>I fixed a bug that was preventing spreadsheet files from
>loading properly. You can find the attached BasicSSCell.java at:
>   http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/~curtis/BasicSSCell.java
>The VisAD distribution will reflect the changes within a few days.
>Let me know if this fix does not solve your problem.
>At 03:24 PM 7/2/2003, you wrote:
>>Hi Curtis,
>>Attached is the file that I tried to open in the Visad spreadsheet cell. It
>>said that it "could not be converted to Visad data". I also saved it as a
>>.txt and opened it in Notepad just fine. Are you able to open it on yours?
>>Michelle Kam           (408) 742-2881
>>Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co. SSM/ATC/MSIS
>>B/153 O/L922
>>1111 Lockheed Martin Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94089

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