Re: files v5d with SpreadSheet.

Hi Gianluca,

>              I try to open a Vis5D file using VisAD SpreadSheet, but it not 
> appairs great as it do using Vis5D.
> There are some compatibilities problems?

Well, the Vis5D GUI and functionality are tuned for the
specific schema of Vis5D data. The VisAD SpreadSheet can
display data of ANY schema. It is impossible to make a
program as general as the VisAD SpreadSheet and as tuned
as Vis5D. That's why VisAD is fundamentally an API rather
than a GUI. You can use the API to build something  as tuned
as Vis5D. In Fact, Stu Weir is doing exactly that in his
3-D Gridded Data Viewer, that is part of Unidata's Metapps.


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