Re: OpenDAP and digital libararies

Hi Tennessee,

This is very interesting. Do you have the name (e-mail address) of a contact at TPAC who would know more about this? I was aware that they serve their data via OPeNDAP, but not that they had developed a crawler. Do you know if their crawler is capable of crawling beyond their local computers?


On Sep 29, 2005, at 2:28 AM, Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:


An Australian group called TPAC (Tasmanian Partnership of Advanced
Computing) has sponsored the development of a digital library portal
which is capable of crawling over OpenDAP networks, extracting the
metadata vis the DAS and building up a searchable digital library of data.

I found this out at the APAC conference, at which I presented a paper on
the capacities of OpenDAP for linking institutions and making a
consistent interface between them.

There are some strong synergies between the TPAC digital library
software and what OpenDAP represents at a lower level. Hopefully, we
will be setting up this software on a research box here at the Bureau,
and I'll let you know if it lives up to expectations.


 Peter Cornillon
   Graduate School of Oceanography     -  Telephone: (401) 874-6283
University of Rhode Island - Fax: (401) 874-6728 Narragansett, RI 02882 - E-mail: pcornillon@xxxxxxxxxxx

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