Unidata Users Committee Action Items
April 15-16, 1999

Action 1: John Caron will provide a briefing on NT platforms and developments at the Sept 30-Oct 1, 1999 Users Committee meeting.

Action 2: Charlie Murphy will augment the MetApps Task Force with additional community representatives.

Action 3: Linda Miller will check with the AMS to see if the Russ DeSourza Award presentation can be made during the Special AMS 2000 Session.

Action 4: Sally Bates will create a special article for the Unidata Newsletter about the significance of the award and the first recipient.

Action 5: A list of current application capabilities of GEMPAK will be created by Steve Koch. The list will be sent to the Users Committee and the UPC for review.

Action 6: Steve Koch, as the lead, in conjunction with the Users Committee, will create a specific list of requirements for GEMPAK development to be considered by the UPC during the interim period leading to the Java MetApps.

Action 7: The UPC will clarify strategy on the GEMPAK issue and report back to the Committee after receiving the information noted in Action 5-6.

Action 8: The Users Committee recommended that Unidata send the letter regarding GEMPAK (N-AWIPS) to the NWS acknowledging its usefulness and value to the academic community.

Action 9: Tony Rockwood and Doug Yarger will be responsible for creating and coordinating the community workshop 2000 announcement and selecting members for the workshop sub-committee.